Friday, December 1, 2017

Finally Turnbull surrenders to banking royal commission

After years of Greens pressure, the banks are going to have to answer for their toxic culture and underhanded practices. Share the good news. 

The banks better get ready.

Their rorts and rip-offs have gone on for too long and now, after sustained pressure from the Greens, Malcolm Turnbull has been forced to announce a Royal Commission into the banking and financial sector.

After years of dodging inquires and being protected by the Liberal and Labor parties, the big banks are now going to have to answer for their behaviour.

This announcement means we might finally see some justice, and any toxic banking culture now addressed as it should have been many years ago.

Share this big announcement: our banks will finally be investigated!

This morning’s announcement shows what can be achieved in opposition in parliament. It is possible for a small and motivated party like the Greens to lead the debate and have a positive influence on our society.

Only two days ago Malcolm Turnbull said, “We have made it clear that we are not going to establish a Royal Commission”. But public and parliamentary pressure meant the Prime Minister had nowhere left to turn.

The Greens have been calling for a banking tax and a banking Royal Commission throughout several terms of parliament. Our persistence have now seen both of these delivered.

From here, we will be monitoring the process closely to ensure that the terms of reference are robust and lead to genuine outcomes that deliver justice for victims and lead to systemic cultural reforms.

Thank you for your continued support.

Richard Di Natale and Peter Whish Wilson

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