Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Face the facts and take action to save the Reef say Greens

The Australian Greens call on all political parties to face the scientific facts and take drastic action to save the Great Barrier Reef.

"A scientific study released today confirms that two thirds of corals are dead in the north of the Reef, said Australian Greens Deputy Leader and Senator for Queensland, Larissa Waters.

"Reef scientists are unanimous in saying the biggest threat to the Reef is global warming which caused the devastating coral bleaching and in their calls for drastic action.

"Yet the old parties' Reef policies totally ignore the threat of global warming by promoting expansion of coal and other fossil fuels.

"The confirmation of the coral death is all the more heartbreaking because, at the behest of One Nation, the Senate wasted time yesterday debating whether the Reef is under threat at all and if global warming is real.

"One Nation visiting an area largely untouched by coral bleaching then claiming the Reef is 'alive and well' is like standing on the streets of Brisbane and saying there is no traffic problem is Sydney.

"In total almost a quarter of the Reef is dead. This is not a bizarre UN conspiracy, it isn't part of a Greens agenda, it is simple scientific fact.

"Queensland Labor were elected to 'save the Reef,' but instead they've caved in to big coal creating loopholes to put Adani's Reef-destroying mega-mine on the fast track.

"Queenslanders are deeply concerned about the future of our Reef, and they've shown in the past they're willing to boot out politicians like Campbell Newman who want to trash it.

"As a Queenslander who grew up visiting the Reef it affected me deeply, and I will fight like hell to protect such a beautiful place and the 70,00 jobs that depend on it.

"Our political parties need to listen to the community, accept scientific fact and invest in job-rich, clean energy that doesn't fuel dangerous global warming that will condemn the Reef to even worse coral bleaching," said Senator Waters.

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