Sunday, December 11, 2016

Wanted: PM’s backbone. Reward: lower energy power prices

The Australian Greens are calling for the return of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s backbone and resolve on climate policy – and the reward is lower power prices and a healthier environment for future generations.

“The Prime Minister appears to have again misplaced his backbone after uttering the words ‘emissions intensity scheme’ this week,” Greens Senator for South Australia, Sarah Hanson-Young said.

“Malcolm Turnbull’s failure to stand up to the climate change-denying dinosaurs in his party is another blow to ordinary South Australians struggling with soaring power bills and will scare off investment in Australia’s renewable energy future.

“The Government’s own chief scientist and experts around the country say action on climate change would lead to lower energy prices. If we want lower energy prices, a more secure energy network and to meet our already pitiful emissions reduction target we need the Prime Minister to stand up to the bullies on the backbench.

“So please, if anyone sees Malcolm Turnbull’s backbone, return it to him promptly so we can have cheaper power in SA while moving forward on meaningful climate policy.”
Friday, 9 December, 2016

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