Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Turnbull’s Senate blackmail hits families already doing it tough

The Prime Minister’s proposal to make childcare more affordable while cutting the family tax benefit is an attack on families already struggling, the Australian Greens say.

“Malcolm Turnbull and Barnaby Joyce are trying to blackmail the Senate; holding families struggling to pay for childcare at ransom, while giving a hand out to big business and the big banks,” Greens education and finance spokesperson Senator Hanson-Young said.

“This is an attack on families who are already doing it tough. Far from helping them cover rising childcare costs, most families will actually have less money in their pocket to pay the weekly bills. Wealthy families will do fine, while those who earn less than $100,000 a year will be worse off and will continue to struggle.

“The economics just don’t add up. This is Malcom Turnbull’s Fake Maths ruse. Well, we won't stand for it.

“If this bill linking Family Tax Benefit cuts to childcare reform goes through, families already doing it tough will be hit hardest while big businesses get off scot-free, again.

“These childcare reforms should be funded through substantial savings already made in the childcare sector. There are far better ways to raise money, like reversing tax cuts for the wealthiest Australians and scrapping negative gearing.”

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

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