Sunday, April 23, 2017

Dutton caught in outrageous Manus Island lie

Peter Dutton has been caught out lying about people seeking asylum on Manus Island and must resign or be sacked, Greens Immigration spokesperson Nick McKim says.

"Statements from Papua New Guinea police have exposed Mr Dutton’s lies. This has disturbing echoes of the children overboard scandal," Senator McKim said.

"This was an outrageous lie designed to pour scorn on the people he has left stranded on Manus Island."

"Not only has Peter Dutton comprehensively failed to protect vulnerable people for whom he has a duty of care, but he has now been caught out lying about what caused the Good Friday attacks."

“If he won’t go, Prime Minister Turnbull has no choice but to sack him.”

April 21   2017

1 comment:

  1. Dutton has no empathy, compassion or integrity. He should be sacked...but that won't happen. Turnbull will tell us that he has complete faith in his minister. We must throw this lot out at the earliest possible opportunity.
