Friday, May 26, 2017

NEWS from Greens NSW MPs may 25 2017




National Reconciliation Week


Next week is National Reconciliation Week, which celebrates two milestones in Australia’s reconciliation journey - the historic 1967 Referendum and the Mabo decision, which paved the way for Aboriginal land rights. This year, Reconciliation Week takes on added significance because it is 50 years since the referendum and 25 years since Mabo. It is also 20 years since the Bringing Them Home Report shone a light on the atrocities members of the stolen generations suffered.

Reconciliation is not a moment in time. It's a journey. During National Reconciliation Week, The Greens invite people to commemorate these historic milestones, but moreover to help take the next steps in the path towards reconciliation. One way to do this is by sharing this video about National Reconciliation Week with your networks. Another way is by attending National Sorry Day events in your local area. Click below for details of the Sorry Day event being held in Sydney tomorrow evening.  

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Debbie Gibson & Tony Hickey
Co-Convenors, Greens NSW

Senator Lee Rhiannon

Guarding the Galilee

Senator Lee Rhiannon

Guarding the Galilee is a short film about the front line of the fight to stop the Adani mega coal mine. Some Greens NSW local groups are already planning their own screenings. Please get in touch with my office if you would like help with organising your own.
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Jeremy Buckingham MLC

Protect the Gardens of Stone from coal mining

Jeremy Buckingham MLC

The Gardens of Stone rock formation, west of the Blue Mountains, could be ruined through subsidence caused by longwall mining techniques. As the age of coal comes to a close, we should not be risking such incredible places. Check out and share this video I made, standing on the precipice of the unique sandstone pagodas.
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Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC

Dying with dignity

Mehreen Faruqi MLC

As a member of the NSW Parliamentary Working Group on Assisted Dying, I had the privilege of launching the exposure draft of our new bill. It’s not perfect, but it is unacceptable to sit back and force people to suffer. Support the bill by signing the petition. 
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South Coast says ‘no’ to Adani and climate change

Justin Field MLC

The community opposition to Adani’s mega mine grows. I was proud to join with my local community on the South Coast last week to send a clear message to Treasurer Scott Morrison demanding he says ‘no’ to Adani’s massive mine in the Galilee Basin. The mine might be in North Queensland but we all have an interest in a safe climate.
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Join our team?

Jenny Leong, MP for Newtown

My office is looking for someone new to join the team, working for and with the people of Newtown and NSW. Maybe it's you, or someone you know? We're recruiting for a full-time Senior Electorate Officer. It's a challenging position, but will be extremely rewarding for the right person. Applications close May 28.
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Jamie Parker MP 

Residents oppose new tunnel

Jamie Parker, MP for Balmain

Over 300 people attended my public meeting in Balmain to discuss the Western Harbour Tunnel and its effect on the environment and local residents of our area. Building this new tollway will cause widespread disruption and induce more cars onto the road, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and toxic pollution.
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Dawn Walker MLC

Greens fight privatisation of Lower Hunter Hospital

Dawn Walker MLC

As Greens health spokesperson, I'm standing with the community in calling for the new Lower Hunter Hospital to remain in public hands. This Government’s addiction to privatisation is crippling our public health system, and the Maitland community will suffer from the Liberals' short-sighted decisions if the hospital is privatised.
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Tamara Smith MP

We have given a Gonski from the get-go

Tamara Smith, MP for Ballina

Greens NSW and the Australian Greens are crystal clear in our support of the original needs-based funding model developed by the Gonski review panel. There is no doubt that in NSW we are seeing phenomenal improvements for students with greater educational needs as a result of targeted, needs-based funding
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Mobile drug testing targets the young and poor - not road safety

David Shoebridge MLC

Did you know the drug most commonly detected in car crashes isn’t even tested for in police mobile drug testing? We know it, because we got the data. Police need to test for all drugs - legal and illegal - that commonly impair driving. They also need to test for impairment, not the mere presence of drugs.
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