Friday, July 7, 2017

News from our MPs

Dawn Walker MLC

Koala death traps

Dawn Walker MLC

This week I inspected the renowned 'koala death traps' that have been constructed as part of the Pacific Highway upgrade near Ballina. I was appalled to see the devices put in place by the RMS and share the concerns of locals that these are likely to be ineffective and dangerous to wildlife.
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Tamara Smith MP

Plastic-free July

Tamara Smith, MP for Ballina

We all need to look at how we can reduce plastic pollution in our environment. But what can an ordinary person do? Try Plastic Free July and commit to reducing your use of disposable plastics. Download a handy guide (written by the Plastic-free Mermaid) and sign my petition to Ban the Bag in NSW.
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Treaty now

David Shoebridge MLC

This week is NAIDOC week and it’s more important than ever to establish a treaty with our first peoples. Sovereignty has never been ceded, it’s time to listen to the Uluru Statement from the Heart, which shows us a path towards a treaty and justice for our first peoples. Show your support and spread the word:
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Senator Lee Rhiannon

Newcastle students of sustainability

Senator Lee Rhiannon

This week I met with many inspiring climate activists and Greens members in Newcastle for the Students of Sustainability conference. Our workshops on the ongoing relevance of mass movements and the worsening housing crisis drew large crowds and led to great discussions.
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Jeremy Buckingham MLC

Time to re-nationalise the energy sector

Jeremy Buckingham MLC

Privatisation of essential services has failed and Australian households now pay some of the highest prices for energy anywhere in the world, despite an abundance of natural resources – both renewable and non-renewable. We need to re-nationalise the energy sector to end the profiteering and ensure a swift transition to clean energy.
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Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC

Help us ban the bag

Mehreen Faruqi MLC

NSW is one of the last states to ban single use plastic bags. It’s Plastic Free July and time to ban the bag once and for all. Help me get to 200,000 signatures on my petition. Please watch and share our new animation.
Watch the video »

You're invited to the BLUE, the ocean documentary film Screening

Justin Field MLC

See the film everyone's talking about. Join me for a screening of BLUE on 9 August at NSW Parliament House. The screening will be followed by a Q&A with Take 3 for the Sea's Tim Silverwood and Karina Holden, the film’s director, exploring how we can all take meaningful action for healthier oceans.
Book tickets here »

No religion doesn’t mean no values

Jenny Leong, MP for Newtown

The electorate of Newtown includes some of the least religious suburbs in the country, but that doesn't mean residents don't have strong beliefs. Our values for protecting nature, standing up for equality, and speaking out against injustice and discrimination are what connect us.
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Jamie Parker MP 

Protection for whistleblowers

Jamie Parker, MP for Balmain

The NSW Parliament is holding an inquiry into the law I have proposed to improve legal protection for people who blow the whistle on corruption. I was pleased to see many organisations supporting my proposed law, including the NSW Ombudsman’s Office and the NSW Law Society.
Sign the petition »

Original E Brief modified.

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