Friday, July 27, 2018

The Bight must be protected, not exploited by big fossil fuels

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young
The fossil fuels industry is spruiking an economic boon that would benefit them, not South Australians, if oil and gas drilling were to go ahead in the Great Australian Bight, the Australian Greens say.

"The fossil fuels industry wants drilling to go ahead because they are the ones who will profit - these multinational companies are seeking to risk the Great Australian Bight and send the profits offshore," Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"South Australians won't be fooled by this pitch from the fossil fuels industry. We want our clean, green, tourism and fishing industries, not dirty oil and gas.

"The campaign to protect the Bight is growing in momentum every day, despite what the fossil fuels industry would want us to believe. South Australians want real action on climate change, and a transition away from fossil fuels - not to be locked in to dirty, dangerous industry.

"Thousands of South Australians have joined the Greens' campaign for World Heritage protection for the Bight, because they know we could get more bang for our buck if we celebrate the Bight's natural and unique beauty.

"There is no social license to drill for oil and gas in the Bight. Kangaroo Island is the jewel in our tourism crown and would be devastated if an oil spill would occur. This is not a risk South Australians are willing to take.

"The Greens will continue to fight with coastal communities and all South Australians that want their Bight protected from multinational fossil fuel companies that put profits ahead of people and the environment."

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

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