Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Morrison's Ministry gives middle finger to climate change and renewable energy.

or you Scott Morrison
Greens climate change and energy spokesperson Adam Bandt MP today reacted with dismay at the appointment of anti-wind, anti-renewables Angus Taylor as the new Energy Minister. Taylor has been a vocal critic of renewable energy, allegedly claiming that energy produced from wind farms was causing communities across Australia to “tear themselves to pieces”.

"By breaking the Environment portfolio away from Energy and handing the latter to a coal-hugger, Scott Morrison has given the middle finger to climate change and renewable energy,” said Mr Bandt.

“Scott Morrison, the man who literally hugged a piece of coal on the floor of the House of Representatives, has appointed another coal-hugger to set the country’s energy policy.

“Angus Taylor has made a name for himself amongst the hard-right by undermining renewable energy. Since he entered Parliament, he has been on a crusade to destroy the Renewable Energy Target.

“Having the coal crew running Australia’s climate and energy policy is a recipe for more drought and more bushfires.

“When Parliament resumes, I will be confronting the new Energy Minister about his record on climate change and renewables.

“We must stand up to these coal-hugging zealots before they destroy our country and our planet.”

Monday, 27 August 2018 10:42 AM

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