Friday, August 24, 2018

The Libs should be ashamed of themselves says Richard De Natale

The Libs should be ashamed of themselves
It doesn’t matter who wins #libspill tomorrow, we all lose. The ridiculous instability over the Liberal leadership means a snap election could be called at any minute. We must be ready to campaign, and you can help.

Dear John
Thanks to the utterly selfish behaviour of the Liberal and Labor parties, we haven’t had a stable government in a decade. Thanks to their back stabbing, we've now had six Prime Ministers in eight years.

They are a disgrace and an embarrassment. This week’s antics by the government proves they are so so focussed on themselves that they’ve completed forgotten what they were elected to do.

There is good news, though. This instability means a snap election could be called any day, which gives us the chance to rise above this selfish navel gazing to build a future for all of us. A future where we look after people and the environment, where we end inequality and stop dangerous climate change.

But we need to be ready to campaign, quick. That’s why we’ve created a Snap Election Fund. You can help us be ready by chipping in now.

It doesn’t matter who wins the Liberal leadership tomorrow, because we can be sure they will run an election that fans the flames of racism, stokes unfounded fears about immigration and denies the existence of climate change. It’s going to be ugly.

When an election is called, we need to immediately book billboards and advertising before the other parties do. We’ll need to open campaign offices, support thousands of volunteers, print t-shirts and how-to-vote cards.

All of this costs money. In fact, elections are really expensive and, unlike the Liberal and Labor parties, we don’t take donations from big corporations. Can you chip in today to make sure we’re ready to campaign to build a future for all of us?

I can’t wait to get stuck into this election campaign. With your help, I know we’ll achieve amazing things.


PS – The Liberal Party has sold what little soul it has left and done a deal with the devil. It doesn't matter who leads them - we know the next election will focus on division, race-baiting and cruelty to people seeking asylum. For many thousands of people in our communities, this is a scary prospect. The Greens will take them on with everything we’ve got, but we need all the help we can get. Can you help us fight their racism?
Authorised by Rebecca Galdies, 23/85 Northbourne Avenue, Turner ACT

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