Thursday, September 27, 2018

Greens call on Education Minister to hold the line for NSW

Is this meme really outdated?
Greens Education Spokesperson and Member for Ballina, Tamara Smith MP today joined the NSW Primary Principals’ Association, NSW Secondary Principals’ Council, the NSW Teachers Federation and the NSW P&C Federation in calling on the NSW Education Minister Rob Stokes to hold the line on needs-based funding for schools.

Ms Smith said “The pressure on our NSW Minister to cave in to the wheeling and dealing of the Morrison government and abandon the Gonski reforms and sector blind needs based funding for NSW schools is high,” said Ms Smith.

“We need to unite Australians rather than divide them on school funding policies. The Coalition’s $4.6 billion increase to private school funding is  inequitable and unfair and doesn’t put the needs of students first.

"In contrast with the Morrison government's divisive approach, NSW has shown that support for fair needs-based education funding unites parents, teachers and their school communities, because the benefits of fair schools funding reaches every child.

"Greens in NSW have long supported the efforts of the state government here to deliver needs-based funding to public schools. The Morrison government should follow the example of NSW to make schools funding fairer, instead of playing favourites among different schools sectors, and setting parents and communities against one another."

"Greens in NSW believe that fair funding should be extended to every sector of education so that public schools, TAFEs, pre-schools and universities are all within reach for every student,” said Ms Smith.

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