Saturday, September 22, 2018

Greens uncover new figures and brand logging in Eden forests as ‘economically reckless’

NSW Greens MP and Forest spokesperson, Dawn Walker has criticised the Government’s ongoing logging operations in the Eden region and called for new National Parks to be created in the area, after obtaining new figures that reveal declining royalty returns for pulp logs.
“Figures obtained by the Greens have revealed that the royalties per cubic metre paid on pulp logs from Eden was $20.43/m3 in the year 2000, and now it’s just $18.90/m3 in 2018. This means that our precious forests are being sold off for 7% less than they were in 2000. What’s more, the overall royalties from pulp logging in the Eden area have declined by more than $2 million since 2000” said Dawn Walker MP.

“This drop in price makes something very clear; there is no economic justification to keep logging our forests. With increased deforestation and climate change, it is shocking that the Government continues to pursue and subsidise an industry that is both economically and environmentally reckless.

“Logging of native forests for wood chips in southeast NSW has historically been unprofitable and it’s time the NSW Government stopped subsidising this destructive industry with relaxed harvesting rules and poor royalties that rip off NSW taxpayers.

“The Greens want the precious forests and wildlife around Eden recognised for their true worth and protected in new National Parks, such as the Great Southern Forests proposal that would generate new jobs and revenue in tourism, wildlife protection, recreation and forest restoration.

“We’re at a crossroads when it comes to our native forests. The Regional Forest Agreements (RFA) which governed forest management for the past 20 years are coming to an end. It should be a time to transition to a sustainable plantation sector to meet our timber needs and preserve our precious forests for future generations.

Yet the NSW Government continues to show economic negligence by propping-up this declining and destructive industry.  


The royalty rate per cubic metre paid on pulp logs in the Eden Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) Region.

2000 – $20.43⁄m3
2010 – $18.70⁄m3
2018 – $18.90⁄m3.


The overall royalties paid on pulp logs in the Eden region:

2000 - $5,873,503
2010 - $3,793,685
2017 - $3,780,855


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