Saturday, September 15, 2018

Kicking off a national tour in Melbourne last week, Richard Di Natale discusses the future


Kicking off a national tour in Melbourne last week, Richard Di Natale discusses the Greens’ vision for the future – one where we all have access to the things we need to live a good life.

By Senator Richard Di Natale

It’s time for a new direction and a new vision for Australia.

This September and October I’m hosting free events across the country to share the Greens’ vision for Australia’s future and to talk about the challenges and opportunities involved in achieving it.

The tour kicked off on 3rd September in Melbourne where I was joined by Holly Throsby, Tim Flannery, Emily Wurramara and Julian Burnside for an excellent evening of ideas and conversation about what it means to create a future for all of us.

After weeks of instability in Canberra and the Liberal party being too focused on infighting to govern for our community, it was refreshing to talk about how positive politics can be. As Amanda, who was part of the audience, said, “I’m very proud of the people speaking tonight, rather than the ridiculous coverage of recent political events. Let’s get rid of the current government”.

But what made the evening even more special was that, for the first time, we were able to broadcast the event live online and share the evening with people from across the country. It was fantastic to get such excellent questions coming in from people in the crowd and the online audience.

If you weren’t able to catch the event live on the night, the replay is available to watch here.

Over the next six weeks I’ll be heading off around the country to do more of these events, and I’m excited about the opportunity to talk to progressive Australians about a future where we have integrity in politics; properly funded essential public services like education and health run for people and not corporate profit; and where wealth is not concentrated among big corporations and the very rich.

I’ll be in the following cities on these dates:

Canberra: 18 September
Perth: 27 September
Adelaide: 2 October
Sydney: 3 October
Brisbane: 11 October

Book your spot here.

If you're feeling frustrated by our political system favouring massive corporations over the rest of us, then these events are for you, and I hope I’ll see you there.

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