Friday, October 12, 2018

If we don’t quit coal,
it will kill us.

The IPCC report is crystal clear. Scientists have laid down the challenge for politicians. Act now, or face the catastrophic consequences. 

If we don’t quit coal, it will kill us.

Help us hit the climate emergency button. Contribute to help us make the upcoming election about the climate emergency, not tax cuts and trickle-down economics.

Adam Bandt MP

Today, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a ‘Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 C’.

The report contained a very clear message: if we don’t quit coal, we are screwed.
So with a coal-loving Prime Minister and a coal-conflicted Labor leader, it’s time to mobilise for a war against coal and a war against climate change. The Greens are the only party taking this threat seriously. Can you chip in to help us build a war chest for the upcoming election? 

2030 is the new deadline. According to the report, we may hit 1.5 degrees as early as 2030, which could trigger multi-metre sea-level rises.

We don’t just need to make the next election about climate change--we need to make every moment about climate change. We need to hit the emergency button.

Global emissions need to peak in 2020. But a few weeks ago, we found out that Australia’s pollution is STILL rising. Business as usual under Liberal and Labor is a death sentence. 
Chip in to fund our campaign if you want the election to be about the climate emergency, not trickle-down economics and personality politics.

We need to make every moment about climate change. Our leaders need to be held to account. The evidence is overwhelming, but the action has been underwhelming.
Liberal and Labor are paralysed by their reliance on the donations of fossil fuel companies.

But you can donate to a political party that is as scared about this report as you are.
I am urging you to help us win this war for the climate. By chipping in, you’ll help us cut through.
Today, of all days, my two young daughters are at the forefront of my mind. I don’t want to leave them a burning, boiling, broken world. I hope you don’t either.

Adam Bandt MP

Thu, Oct 11

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