Thursday, November 22, 2018

158 billion more reasons not to drill in the Bight

More evidence that drilling in the Bight is too great a risk to South Australia and the nation has been released, showing a $158 billion hit to our economy if an oil spill were to occur in the Bight waters.

"This shocking new report should be the death knell of plans to drill in the Bight. Drilling in the Great Australian Bight is bad for the economy, bad for the environment, bad for the planet and it must be banned," Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"Australians are expected to carry the risk that drilling in the Bight creates, while the oil - and the profits - will be sent offshore. The economic risk comes with a $158 billion price tag - more than enough to destroy South Australia's economy.

"The Greens are fighting the multinational fossil fuel giants that want to exploit this precious marine environment and Australia's coastal communities who want to shackle us to worsening climate change. We are seeing the effects of climate change now, yet we could be the generation that stops that trend before it is too late.

"Thousands of South Australians have joined our campaign to give the Bight World Heritage protection. A poll showed 74 per cent of South Australians support protecting the Bight, even before a price tag was placed on this huge risk to our economy.

"We cannot look away from the very real risks to our economy, our state and the jewel in our tourism crown Kangaroo Island, our marine life and the planet this project creates. Allowing it to go ahead would be a complete betrayal to South Australians, and anyone in Australia who loves their local beaches that could be covered in oil and sludge from a spill in the Bight."

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

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