Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Australian Liberal Government inaction on climate is dooming our natural environment

The Senate has backed  a Greens' motion declaring climate change is the biggest threat to life on our planet, calling on the Liberal Government to implement serious climate and energy policy.
"The biggest threat to humanity and life on this planet is climate change, and still the Liberal Government don't have a plan to reduce pollution," Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"The consequences of the Liberal Government's head in the sand on climate - and addiction to burning fossil fuels - are playing out before us now. We're seeing more extreme weather, mass extinction, a planet under constant stress.

"The alarming recent research from Flinders University showed we are dooming species across the globe due to our inaction on climate change. This anti-science, anti-environment Prime Minister, Energy Minister and Environment Minister are standing in the way of real action on climate change.

"We have some of the most beautiful, unique flora and fauna in the world, but also one of the worst track records on extinction. The Liberal Government cannot be trusted to reverse this harrowing trend.

"The time to act is now. We can be the generation that saves the planet, instead of continuing to contribute to dangerous climate change."

November 26, 2018

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