Thursday, November 29, 2018

Bill Shorten’s Labor party supports government to deny newly arrived migrants access to income support

Bill Shorten
Bill Shorten’s Labor party had every opportunity to do the right thing. 

They knew the impact the government's bill to deny newly arrived migrants access to income support would have. They knew this because they consulted with their stakeholders, who told them to block the bill. And they knew we have the numbers to knock off this dangerous bill in the Senate. 

Instead they’ve chosen to side with the conservatives and attack new migrants, forcing newcomers to wait four years before accessing Newstart. Shame on them.

There is only one line of defence left before this legislation, which would see some of the most vulnerable people in our society on the streets if they lose their job, becomes law. We’re calling on Labor senators to join the Greens and tear up this dodgy deal. 

Will you join us? Help defend migrants today by sharing my video.

How badly have Labor betrayed migrant communities? Pauline Hanson stood in the Senate today and praised them for their decision. You know when Senator Hanson is cheering you on for demonstrating cruelty towards migrants, you need to take a good, hard look at yourself. 

To make matters worse, Labor lied to the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Councils (FECCA) of Australia. FECCA was told the ALP had no option but to support this dodgy deal for fear a worse option would emerge, which is utter garbage.

The simple fact is, you cannot trust the Labor party to do the right thing. This is the party that continues to support locking people up in offshore detention and refuses to #StopAdani. Making life harder for new migrants is just the latest in a long line of low acts.

I’m calling on Shorten’s Labor Party to tear up this deal, as the Australian Council of Social Service has also done this afternoon. You can add your voice by sharing my video right now.

For fairer treatment of our migrant communities,

Richard Di Natale

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