Friday, November 2, 2018

While the extinction crisis deepens our Environment Minister is in hiding
Australia's Environment Minister has let the public down yet again with her silence on the WWF's damning report into human-driven mass extinction, the Greens say.

World Wide Fund for Nature report is harrowing. But, as usual, we have not heard a peep from our Environment Minister Melissa Price on how the Liberal Government is going to act," Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"Australia has a terrible track record when it comes to extinction. We need to stand up, take responsibility, and ensure that we slow this trend down before it is too late.

"Between the WWF report today and the latest IPCC report, we can no longer look away from the impact we are having on our planet.

"Our Environment Minister's silence in the face of this report is deafening. Yet again, she is missing in action on a vitally important issue that needs to be taken seriously and acted on urgently.

"We need an eco-system wide approach to protecting natural habitats and saving our native flora and fauna. We created this extinction crisis, we need to ensure it doesn't get worse."

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

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