Thursday, March 7, 2019

ABC needs funding stability to do its job for the Australian people

Greens Senator Hanson-Young
The Australian Greens are calling for budget certainty for the ABC following allegations of political interference linked to funding.
"The Liberal Government has used ABC funding as a weapon to exert influence over our public broadcaster. It must end. The Greens are pushing for adequate funding and certainty for the ABC ahead of the budget, and the next election," Greens media spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"It is deeply concerning that there have been attempts to undermine the ABC's independence from the Liberal Government. Between an efficiency review, a competitive neutrality review and millions in budget cuts to the ABC it is clear the Liberal Government has an ideological vendetta against public broadcasting.

"It is heartening to hear that ABC staff stood up for the organisation's independence, warding off political interference attempts. But they should be able to do their jobs as the Australian public expect, without fear or favour.

"The ABC is not the Liberal Government's play thing. It is owned by the Australian people and it services our community. It does not exist to pander to governments who don't like their reporting.

"While the Senate inquiry processes the evidence we've received, the ABC must be able to move on from this difficult period and continue doing the job that millions of Australians trust them to do. That means it needs funding restored and guaranteed, so governments cannot interfere when they don't like what makes the news."

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