Friday, February 17, 2017

Former Reserve Bank boss needs to move the Premier beyond supply mantra

 The NSW Premier has announced<> that former Reserve Bank of Australia governor Glenn Stevens will be assisting the government with their housing affordability strategy.

NSW Greens spokesperson on Housing Jenny Leong MP has welcomed the Premier's recognition that housing affordability is an urgent issue for the people of NSW, but says that the solution needs to move beyond supply.

"The ever-repeated supply solution is not going to address the very real housing stress and insecurity felt by many people throughout NSW," says Ms Leong.

"In 2015, as Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens said he was "very concerned about Sydney", describing the property market as "crazy" - but we mustn't forget that this was at a time when the NSW Government was bragging about record supply.
"Premier Berejiklian can't have it both ways - claiming that her Government has doubled housing supply while ignoring the fact that median house prices continue to increase to record-high levels, that more people are sleeping rough in Sydney, and that more than 100,000 people are still waiting for public housing.

15 February 2017

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