Friday, February 17, 2017

Greens NSW E-Brief: News for members and friends

Congratulations to Dawn Walker, MLC-elect

On behalf of Greens NSW, we farewell Jan Barham who resigned on Monday from her role as a Greens MLC, and we warmly congratulate Dawn Walker, who was endorsed last weekend by our delegates’ council as Jan's replacement. Dawn will take her seat following a joint sitting of both houses of parliament on Thursday 23rd February. We will let you know as soon as we have contact details for Dawn’s office and a date for her inaugural speech – always an inspiring occasion for members and supporters. We thank Jan for her wonderful parliamentary service to Greens NSW and wish her the very best for the future.

By-Elections in the state seats of Manly, Gosford and North Shore

Three local groups are now gearing up for imminent State by-elections and your help will be greatly appreciated. You can donate or volunteer for a range of activities – let’s hit the streets and tell the new premier that forced council amalgamations are anti-democratic and we want NSW to be powered by 100% renewables. We are sure you have a list of many important issues that can be raised in local communities.
Debbie Gibson & Tony Hickey
Co-Convenors, Greens NSW

Jan Barham MLC

Thank you and farewell

Jan Barham MLC

After 25 years of activism and 17 years as a local and state Greens representative, I resigned from Parliament on Monday. I want to thank everyone who worked with me in my Parliamentary role. It has been an honour to serve the Greens and I hope the future is Greener. Follow the link to watch my valedictory speech in full.
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Tamara Smith MP

The best response to the far-right

Tamara Smith, MP for Ballina

The rise of far-right politicians like Corey Bernadi, Pauline Hanson and Donald Trump will, I believe, galvanise people to demand a new way of doing politics. The response to hateful messages must be to renew our energy for bi-partisan co-operation in achieving a dignified society that accepts difference, is equitable and sustainable.
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Berejiklian's unprincipled compromise on amalgamations

David Shoebridge MLC

A state-wide grassroots campaign has saved dozens of councils from forced amalgamations. This week’s unprincipled announcement from Premier Berejiklian will see one rule for the bush where more councils have been saved, and another for the city where we will continue to campaign for democracy and to reverse amalgamations.
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Senator Lee Rhiannon

Turnbull axes help for people who need affordable housing

Senator Lee Rhiannon

The Turnbull government is escalating Tony Abbott’s attacks against people who need affordable housing, by axing the National Affordable Housing Agreement. It’s the only federal funding stream for homelessness and public housing services, and losing it would be a disaster. The Greens are fighting to save the NAHA and secure homes for those in need.
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Jeremy Buckingham MLC

Greens call on NSW Labor to return dirty Santos donations, again

Jeremy Buckingham MLC

NSW Labor has once again been caught taking donations from coal seam gas company Santos. This is despite promising not to do so before the 2015 state election. I have called on Labor Leader Luke Foley to return this dirty money. Find out more in the SMH article.
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Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC

Albury stands for decriminalisation of abortion

Mehreen Faruqi MLC

In Albury, hundreds of community members joined us to call for the decriminalisation of abortion and the creation of safe access zones. In less than two hours, people signed 200 postcards and more than 150 petitions for the End12 campaign. I’m pushing for parliamentary debate on our bill in the next few months.
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If the NSW Treasurer wants to represent my generation, he’s got his priorities wrong

Justin Field MLC

If the new NSW Treasurer Dominic Perrottet wants to be the voice for my generation – he’ll have to do better than continue the 'sell it off, rip it up' short-term opportunism of the State Government. We’re both Gen-Xers but our views couldn’t differ more on the best future for NSW.
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Mardi Gras Fair Day, this Sunday!

Jenny Leong, MP for Newtown

Drop in to the Greens’ stall at Fair Day in Camperdown to support our campaigns for LGBTIQ rights and equality. Join us at midday for a big group photo. I’ll be there, along with Senator Janet Rice, our Federal spokesperson on Sexuality & Gender Diversity, and other Greens MPs. Come and chat with us about our work supporting LGBTIQ communities.
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Jamie Parker MP 

Premier must get serious on corruption

Jamie Parker, MP for Balmain

I’ve called on Premier Gladys Berejiklian to do the right thing on corruption and reverse the funding cuts to the ICAC. Cuts to ICAC funding mean fewer investigators to examine corrupt politicians. The new Premier must step up, reverse the cuts and commit to a corruption-free NSW.
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