Monday, February 27, 2017

NSW Liberals and Nationals Refuse to Rule Out Preferencing One Nation

The NSW Liberals and Nationals have objected to a Greens NSW motion in the NSW Legislative Council calling on all parties to rule out preference deals with One Nation at the 2019 State election. Greens NSW MP and Multiculturalism Spokesperson, Dr Mehreen Faruqi MLC, has said that this is a worrying sign that the Liberals may do a deal with the far right party.

Dr Faruqi said:

“Today, the NSW Government had an opportunity to stand up against racism and bigotry but they chose not to.

“For the NSW Government to object to my motion calling on all parties to rule our preference deals with One Nation is a worrying sign that they may be prepared to sell out multicultural Australia by doing backroom deals.

“One Nation has campaigned on a platform of division that has targeted Muslim Australians, Asian Australians, African Australians and migrants in general. Multiculturalism and diversity is really the strength of communities in New South Wales and One Nation just seeks to tear that apart.

“It is extremely disappointing to see such a lack of leadership from Premier Berejiklian. There is no place for bigotry, racism and Islamophobia in New South Wales” she concluded.

The Motion:

1183. Dr Faruqi to move—

1. That this House notes that:

(a) the Western Australian Liberal Party has preferenced One Nation over The Nationals in the upcoming Western Australian state election, and

(b) across Australia, One Nation has been a divisive voice spreading racism, Islamophobia and bigotry.

2. That this House calls on all parties to rule out a preference deal with One Nation ahead of the 2019 New South Wales state election.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017 | Dr Mehreen Faruqi

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