Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Murray Darling Basin Plan abusers ripping off South Australians, senate inquiry needed

Shocking allegations of meter tampering and water theft to bolster corporate profits from the Murray Darling system must be investigated, the Australian Greens say.

"As a South Australian, I'm disgusted that rich corporate cotton growers upstream have taken water that was meant for the environmental survival of the Murray Darling. This plan cost $13 billion in taxpayer money, and years to establish only to be put at risk.

"Today, I've written to my senate colleagues asking for their support when I move to establish a senate inquiry into the Murray Darling Basin Plan when parliament resumes in a fortnight," Greens Murray Darling Basin spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"The Federal Parliament signed off on the Murray Darling Basin Plan; it was an agreement of all river states. The Senate must ensure allegations of misuse of taxpayer funds, and abuse of the Plan are fully investigated. Those who have been caught out rorting the system must be held accountable.

"A senate inquiry would allow whistle blowers to come forward with the protection of parliamentary privilege. We in the parliament need to take this seriously and act swiftly if we want the Murray Darling Basin Plan to survive."

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

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