Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Libs move to sell off ABC electorally toxic

The Liberal Party Council has exposed Malcolm Turnbull's secret plan to sell off the ABC, the Australian Greens say.
"Malcolm Turnbull's secret plan to privatise the ABC has been revealed. First it was doing a secret deal with Pauline Hanson's One Nation to 'whack off' money from the ABC's budget, now this," Greens media spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"Selling off the ABC is electorally toxic. The Liberal Party has shown today it is completely out-of-touch with the Australian people.

"If the ABC is privatised, there will be no going back. The media landscape in Australia will be worse off, and The Greens will be fighting this move with the community every step of the way between now and the next election.

"Australians love their public broadcaster, they love the informative and trustworthy news, the quality drama, and reliable children's television the ABC provides.

"The ABC is an investment in our cultural and community values, a reflection on who we are as a nation. They do what they do so well because they are publicly funded. The Greens will be fighting the Government's cuts to the ABC and any moves to privatise it because we know Australia will be much poorer without a well-funded ABC.

"The voters of Mayo have a clear choice come July 28. Vote for the Greens to block these attacks on the ABC, or the Liberal Party candidate Georgina Downer who wants to see the ABC lose funding and sold off."

Saturday, June 16, 2018

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