Thursday, September 27, 2018

Protecting the ABC from political interference

Justin Milne has proven he cannot be trusted as the chair of our public broadcaster and must stand down, the Greens say.
"Mr Milne's position is untenable. As the chair of an organisation that is supposed to be independent of Government, Milne has shown he can't be trusted with the ABC," Greens media spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"Protecting the ABC from political interference is the most important responsibility of the Chair.

"There can be no more serious breach than the apparent demand that a journalist be sacked at the behest of the Prime Minister of the day.

"The board's responsibility is to uphold the ABC Charter and ensure that the broadcaster is independent at all times and that it's journalists and staff can do their jobs without fear or favour. Mr. Milne must go.

September 26, 2018

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