Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Senate must work together to clear the air on ABC interference

The cloud that hangs over the independence of the ABC has come no closer to being cleared following the release of the Government's departmental review today.
"The Department report raises more question than answers about the issues plaguing the ABC. This review is a white-wash that attempts to save the Morrison Government from any scrutiny for the part it has played in the ABC's leadership turmoil," Greens media spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"Today's departmental review does not address the issues surrounding political interference between the Government, the ABC board and its leadership last month. This is not simply a tit for tat between the former Chair and Managing Director and must be investigated further.

"Without a Senate Inquiry into the political interference at the ABC,  there is a cloud over our beloved public broadcaster's future independence.

"The ABC staff, and the Australian people, deserve better than this blatant political interference. For the future of a strong public broadcaster, we need to get this right and the Senate needs to work together."

Monday, October 15, 2018

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