Thursday, October 18, 2018

The cruelty must end, let’s get #KidsOffNauru

Children and their families languishing on Nauru must be brought to Australia to receive the care they need, Greens Senator for South Australia Sarah Hanson-Young says.

“There are 80 children on Nauru, and as the days go by, more are at risk of serious health issues and suicide. This is Government-sanctioned torture that must end,” Senator Hanson-Young said.

“The three Liberal MPs should be commended for their stance on fairness and compassion for refugees. It send a clear message to the Morrison Government that cruelty doesn’t cut it.

“Holding refugees in Manus and Nauru, including children, is wilful torture. The children are sick, their parents have lost all hope. After five years of hell, enough is enough. Keeping them there to rot is inhumane and cannot be justified, by anyone.

“The Morrison-McCormack Government and the Labor Party need to front up to the reality that the situation they created is getting worse every day, and they can do something to change that. We must urgently bring these men, women and children to Australia.”

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

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