Thursday, November 8, 2018

Threatened species response falls short of global expectations

Reports that the Federal Government is not doing enough to save Australian species from extinction are inexcusable, highly disappointing and embarrassing, the Australian Greens say.

"We need ambition and political will to make saving our threatened species a priority. That means environmental law reform, oversight and sufficient funding," Greens environment spokesperson Senator Sarah Hanson-Young said.

"Australia has the worst track record when it comes to extinction. We cannot continue to go down this path of destruction of our unique flora and fauna.

"Business as usual is not going to mean much for the 60 percent of threatened species the Liberal Government has no plan to save. Australia is well-known for our beautiful wildlife, but that is being eclipsed by our destruction of it.

"The Environment Minister's apathy toward solving our threatened species crisis is a disgrace. The only way off the endangered list under the Liberal Government is extinction.

"Our native species rely on ecosystems functioning and a liveable climate. This wholly inadequate response shows not nearly enough is being done as we continue to send our unique flora and fauna to the brink.

"Instead of doing what it can to preserve our natural environment and biodiversity, this anti-environment, anti-science Liberal Government is missing in action. If we are going to protect our environment we need to turf this mob out."

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

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