Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Government must heed Attenborough climate warning: Bandt

Australian Greens climate and energy spokesperson, Adam Bandt MP, says the Australian government must heed Sir David Attenborough’s warning that climate change is a threat to human civilisation.

Mr Bandt also called on the Australian government to avoid being a wrecker at the climate conference.

Attenborough’s warning came in the opening sessions of the UN global climate summit in Katowice, Poland. The representatives of the world’s countries are seeking agreement on the ‘rulebook’ that will implement the Paris Agreement to keep global warming to 1.5 degrees.

“Scott Morrison must heed Sir David Attenborough’s warning,” Mr Bandt said today.

“Human civilisation is at risk. We must take emergency action on climate change, starting with keeping coal in the ground.”

“The government and Labor’s support for the Adani coal mine flies in the face of Sir David’s warning.”

“I have seen first-hand Australia’s antics at previous climate summits, supporting loopholes to let the big polluters off the hook. Australia must stop being a wrecker in Poland.”

Check out: We Want Climate Action Now blog

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